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作 者: 韩莹
导 师: 黄吟
学 校: 长春理工大学
专 业: 外国语言文学
关键词: 辛格短篇小说 叙事学 叙事结构模式 叙事构成策略 叙事修辞策略
分类号: I712.074
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2014年
下 载: 2次
引 用: 0次
阅 读: 论文下载




Abstract  6-7
摘要  7-8
Contents  8-10
Chapter One Introduction  10-15
  1.1 The Research Content of Thesis  10-11
  1.2 The Research Significance of Thesis  11-12
  1.3 The Research Status at Home and Abroad  12-15
Chapter Two Isaac Bashevis Singer and his works  15-19
  2.1 General Introduction of Isaac Bashevis Singer  15-16
  2.2 Interpretation of Singer's Works and their Themes  16-17
  2.3 Summary of the Narrative Techniques in Singer's Short Stories  17-19
Chapter Three Theoretical Basis  19-27
  3.1 Basic Points of Narratology  19-23
    3.1.1 Narrative Time  20
    3.1.2 Narrative Story  20-22
    3.1.3 Narrative Text  22-23
  3.2 Basic Points of Fictional Narrative Theory  23-27
    3.2.1 Elements of Fictional Narrative Theory  23-24
    3.2.2 Basic Modes of Fictional Narrative Theory  24-26
    3.2.3 Rhetoric of Fictional Narrative Theory  26-27
Chapter Four Narrative Strategy Embodied in Singer's Short Stories  27-42
  4.1 Narrative Structural Mode Embodied in Singer's Short Stories  27-34
    4.1.1 Perfect-focus Mode of Singer's Short Stories  27-29
    4.1.2 Inner-focus Mode of Singer's Short Stories  29-32
    4.1.3 Out-focus Mode of Singer's Short Stories  32-34
  4.2 Constituent Strategy of Singer's Short Stories  34-37
    4.2.1 Arts of Characterization in Singer's Short Stories  34-36
    4.2.2 Theme Expression of Singer's Short Stories  36-37
  4.3 Rhetorical Strategy of Singer's Short Stories  37-42
    4.3.1 Humorous Strategy of Singer's Short Stories  38-39
    4.3.2 Descripctive Strategy of Singer's Short Stories  39-42
Chapter Five Literary Value of Singer's Narrative Strategies  42-47
  5.1 Positive Effect to the Theme of Singer's Short Stories  42-43
  5.2 Constructive Reaction to Spinoza Theory  43-45
  5.3 Effective Reflection to Domestic Literature Creation  45-47
Chapter Six Conclusion  47-49
References  49-51
Acknowledgements  51


  1. 元代散曲套数叙事艺术研究,I207.24
  2. 艾·巴·辛格短篇小说中的女性形象,I712.074
  3. 城市历史景观的叙事性研究,TU986
  4. 由敦煌手卷P.T.1287,P.T.1286,P.T.1288来探究吐蕃时期记载历史的参照框架,K28
  5. 城市公园叙事性景观研究,TU986
  6. 新时期红学新方法论,I207.411
  7. 《库科茨基医生的病案》的艺术世界,I512
  8. 以爱玛·卡法莱诺斯的叙事语法模式解读《七个尖角阁的老宅》,I712
  9. 认知叙事学理论在高中英语词汇教学中的应用研究,G633.41
  10. 志异小说的叙事特征,I106.4
  11. 中国文化叙事学发展历程与主要视角模式研究,I207.42
  12. 《博物志》研究,I207.41
  13. 茨威格小说的叙事策略,I5
  14. 《夕阳》、《熊》和《干旱的九月》的叙事策略,I712.074
  15. 国外景观叙事实践手法研究,TU986
  16. 论新时期西方叙事学在蒙古小说研究中的渗透与应用,I207.42
  17. 1903年:上海苏报案,G219.29
  18. 形式与内容完美统一的经典之作,I561
  19. 论毛姆小说的叙事艺术,I561.074
  20. 奥斯丁和勃朗特创作中的“灰姑娘情结”,I561.074
  21. 《红楼梦》及其英译本的叙事语式初探,H315.9

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