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作 者: 赵兴宏
导 师: 任伟
学 校: 长安大学
专 业: 桥梁与隧道工程
关键词: 钢筋混凝土T梁 正截面 荷载效应 CFRP片材 加固 抗力模型 可靠度 可靠度指标 敏感参数
分类号: U445.72
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2013年
下 载: 2次
引 用: 0次
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At present, for the reliability of existing reinforced concrete bridges at home and abroad to study ismore perfect, the reliability analysis theory is relatively mature, but after about reinforcement ofreinforced concrete bridge reliability resistance model and the parameter sensitivity study is less.According to the theory of existing reinforced concrete bridges strengthening reliability analysis is verynecessary.In this text, on basis of <Specifications for Strengthening Design of Highway Bridges>(JTG/TJ22-2008), the bending performance of RC T-beam bridge with pasting CFRP were analyzed, with thereliability theory. The statistical parameters of indefiniteness for computing paradigm has been got withthe computational analysis of test data: μKRM、σKRM、δKRM. Moreover, based on computationalanalysis method present, this text has structured the detection probability compute model of the bendstrength for RC T-beam bridge with bonded CFRP U-plates. Also, the change law of reliability index forthe ratio of vehicle action effect to dead effect, improving of dead effect and improving of vehicle load,before and after strengthened, has been computed.Based on those methods above, the reliability index of RC T-beam bridge strengthened with CFRPhas been calculated. In addition, analysis of that correction coefficient of component section size c,reinforcement area correction factor s, correction coefficient and steel bar strengthk s, CFRP geometrycorrection coefficient fand elastic modulus correction parameters Eof carbon fiber cloth pasteCFRP strengthening RC girder bending normal section reliability sensitivity analysis. Obtain a result thatthe change of parameters fand E, on the reliability of pasting CFRP reinforcement structure is notobvious, the rest of the parameters on its reliability is larger, and with the increase of the parameterselection, structural reliability index showed a trend of growth. Thesis research results available forpasting CFRP strengthening RC girder bridge structure performance evaluation for reference.



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