学位论文 > 优秀研究生学位论文题录展示
作 者: 张璐
导 师: 谢先泽; 段成; 罗润田; 阎黎明
学 校: 成都理工大学
专 业: 外国语言学及应用语言学
关键词: 顺应论 会话信息过量现象 语境 结构 动态性 意识程度 语言选择
分类号: H030
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2012年
下 载: 73次
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Acknowledgement 4-5 Abstract 5-7 摘要 7-14 Chapter One Literature Review 14-26 1.1 ASketch of the Redundancy 14-16 1.2 Overinformativeness 16-20 1.2.1 Redundancy vs. Overinformativeness 16-17 1.2.2 Approaches toAnalyzing the Overinformativeness from Comprehensive Perspectives 8 17-20 1.3 Verschueren's Understanding on Pragmatics 20-26 1.3.1 Traditional Perspectives and Researches on Pragmatics 20-23 1.3.2 Verschueren's Perspectives on Pragmatics 23-26 Chapter Two Theoretical Bases on Language Use and AdaptationTheory 26-34 2.1 Language Use: Process of Linguistic Making-Choices 26-27 2.2 Verschueren's Understanding onAdaptation Theory 27-31 2.2.1 The Theoretical Sources ofAdaptation Theory 28-30 2.2.2 Three Key Notions of Language 30-31 2.3 FiveAspects of LinguisticAdaptation 31-34 2.3.1 The Targets of LinguisticAdaptation 32 2.3.2 The Levels of LinguisticAdaptation 32 2.3.3 The Stages of LinguisticAdaptation 32-33 2.3.4 The Degrees of LinguisticAdaptation 33 2.3.5 The Functions of LinguisticAdaptation 33-34 Chapter Three Explanations of the Overinformativeness from Four Analysis Angles of Adaptation Theory 34-68 3.1 The Overinformativeness Based on Contextual Adaptability 35-48 3.1.1 Context and Contextual Adaptability 35-40 The General Picture of Context 35-39 Verschueren’s Notions on Context and ContextualAdaptability 39-40 3.1.2 Explanations of the Overinformativeness from Communicative Context 40-47 Explanations of the Overinformativeness from Mental World 41-43 Explanations of the Overinformativeness from Social World 43-45 Explanations of the Overinformativeness from Physical World 45-47 3.1.3 Explanations of the Overinformativeness from Linguistic Context 47-48 3.2 The Overinformativeness Based on StructuralAdaptability 48-57 3.2.1 Linguistic Structure and StructuralAdaptability 49-50 3.2.2 Explanations of the Overinformativeness from StructuralAdaptability 50-57 3.3 The Overinformativeness Based on Dynamics of Adaptability 57-62 3.3.1 Notions of Dynamics in Language Use 57-59 3.3.2 Explanations of the Overinformativeness from Dynamics of Meaning Generation 59-62 3.4 The Overinformativeness Based on Salience ofAdaptation Processes 62-68 3.4.1 Salience in Language Use andAdaptation Processes 62-64 3.4.2 Explanations of the Overinformativeness from Degrees of Salience 64-68 Chapter Four Explanations of the Overinformativeness from Linguistic Choices 68-86 4.1 The Overinformativeness Based on Variability and Negotiability 68-75 4.1.1 Explanations of the Overinformativeness from Variability 68-71 4.1.2 Explanations of the Overinformativeness from Negotiability 71-75 4.2 The Overinformativeness Based on Language-Internal Choices 75-82 4.2.1 Explanations of the Overinformativeness from Linguistic Functions 76-80 4.2.2 Explanations of the Overinformativeness from Linguistic Rhetorical Meanings 80-82 4.3 The Overinformativeness Based on Language-External Choices 82-86 4.3.1 Explanations of Overinformativeness from PerlocutionaryActs 82-86 Conclusion 86-90 Bibliography 90-94 个人简介 94
- PBO/SWNT复合纤维的制备及结构与性能研究,TQ340.64
- 溶胶—凝胶AAO模板法制备ITO准一维纳米结构,TB383.1
- (ZrB2-ZrO2)/BN复合材料的反应热压烧结及其力学性能,TB332
- 混粉电火花成型机主机系统及工艺试验的研究,TG661
- 硬质合金与钢连接工艺及机理研究,TG454
- 永磁磁力耦合器结构与特性研究,TH139
- 常温低温组合密封结构的有限元分析与优化设计,TH136
- 带填充墙框架结构非线性有限元分析,TU323.5
- 电动车用复合结构永磁同步电机系统的仿真研究,TM341
- 调整云南高等教育结构的策略研究,G649.2
- 多层卫星网络稳定性设计研究,TN927.23
- 音乐结构自动分析研究,TN912.3
- DMR集群系统高层协议的设计和研究,TN929.52
- 面向SMDA的服务建模方法及工具实现,TP311.52
- 统计机器翻译中结构转换技术的研究,TP391.2
- 基于串核的蛋白质分类算法的研究与实现,TP301.6
- 模糊控制、神经网络在平面二级倒立摆中的应用,TP273.4
- 分离镜系统的滑模变结构控制及抖振抑制,TP273
- 月球车建模分析及滑转量估计研究,TP242
- 腹腔介入式手术机器人机械结构设计及运动仿真,TP242.3
- 国有独资公司董事会建设研究,F275
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