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作 者: 张璐
导 师: 谢先泽; 段成; 罗润田; 阎黎明
学 校: 成都理工大学
专 业: 外国语言学及应用语言学
关键词: 顺应论 会话信息过量现象 语境 结构 动态性 意识程度 语言选择
分类号: H030
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2012年
下 载: 73次
引 用: 0次
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Acknowledgement  4-5
Abstract  5-7
摘要  7-14
Chapter One Literature Review  14-26
  1.1 ASketch of the Redundancy  14-16
  1.2 Overinformativeness  16-20
    1.2.1 Redundancy vs. Overinformativeness  16-17
    1.2.2 Approaches toAnalyzing the Overinformativeness from Comprehensive Perspectives 8  17-20
  1.3 Verschueren's Understanding on Pragmatics  20-26
    1.3.1 Traditional Perspectives and Researches on Pragmatics  20-23
    1.3.2 Verschueren's Perspectives on Pragmatics  23-26
Chapter Two Theoretical Bases on Language Use and AdaptationTheory  26-34
  2.1 Language Use: Process of Linguistic Making-Choices  26-27
  2.2 Verschueren's Understanding onAdaptation Theory  27-31
    2.2.1 The Theoretical Sources ofAdaptation Theory  28-30
    2.2.2 Three Key Notions of Language  30-31
  2.3 FiveAspects of LinguisticAdaptation  31-34
    2.3.1 The Targets of LinguisticAdaptation  32
    2.3.2 The Levels of LinguisticAdaptation  32
    2.3.3 The Stages of LinguisticAdaptation  32-33
    2.3.4 The Degrees of LinguisticAdaptation  33
    2.3.5 The Functions of LinguisticAdaptation  33-34
Chapter Three Explanations of the Overinformativeness from Four Analysis Angles of Adaptation Theory  34-68
  3.1 The Overinformativeness Based on Contextual Adaptability  35-48
    3.1.1 Context and Contextual Adaptability  35-40 The General Picture of Context  35-39 Verschueren’s Notions on Context and ContextualAdaptability  39-40
    3.1.2 Explanations of the Overinformativeness from Communicative Context  40-47 Explanations of the Overinformativeness from Mental World  41-43 Explanations of the Overinformativeness from Social World  43-45 Explanations of the Overinformativeness from Physical World  45-47
    3.1.3 Explanations of the Overinformativeness from Linguistic Context  47-48
  3.2 The Overinformativeness Based on StructuralAdaptability  48-57
    3.2.1 Linguistic Structure and StructuralAdaptability  49-50
    3.2.2 Explanations of the Overinformativeness from StructuralAdaptability  50-57
  3.3 The Overinformativeness Based on Dynamics of Adaptability  57-62
    3.3.1 Notions of Dynamics in Language Use  57-59
    3.3.2 Explanations of the Overinformativeness from Dynamics of Meaning Generation  59-62
  3.4 The Overinformativeness Based on Salience ofAdaptation Processes  62-68
    3.4.1 Salience in Language Use andAdaptation Processes  62-64
    3.4.2 Explanations of the Overinformativeness from Degrees of Salience  64-68
Chapter Four Explanations of the Overinformativeness from Linguistic Choices  68-86
  4.1 The Overinformativeness Based on Variability and Negotiability  68-75
    4.1.1 Explanations of the Overinformativeness from Variability  68-71
    4.1.2 Explanations of the Overinformativeness from Negotiability  71-75
  4.2 The Overinformativeness Based on Language-Internal Choices  75-82
    4.2.1 Explanations of the Overinformativeness from Linguistic Functions  76-80
    4.2.2 Explanations of the Overinformativeness from Linguistic Rhetorical Meanings  80-82
  4.3 The Overinformativeness Based on Language-External Choices  82-86
    4.3.1 Explanations of Overinformativeness from PerlocutionaryActs  82-86
Conclusion  86-90
Bibliography  90-94
个人简介  94


  1. PBO/SWNT复合纤维的制备及结构与性能研究,TQ340.64
  2. 溶胶—凝胶AAO模板法制备ITO准一维纳米结构,TB383.1
  3. (ZrB2-ZrO2)/BN复合材料的反应热压烧结及其力学性能,TB332
  4. 混粉电火花成型机主机系统及工艺试验的研究,TG661
  5. 硬质合金与钢连接工艺及机理研究,TG454
  6. 永磁磁力耦合器结构与特性研究,TH139
  7. 常温低温组合密封结构的有限元分析与优化设计,TH136
  8. 带填充墙框架结构非线性有限元分析,TU323.5
  9. 电动车用复合结构永磁同步电机系统的仿真研究,TM341
  10. 调整云南高等教育结构的策略研究,G649.2
  11. 多层卫星网络稳定性设计研究,TN927.23
  12. 音乐结构自动分析研究,TN912.3
  13. DMR集群系统高层协议的设计和研究,TN929.52
  14. 面向SMDA的服务建模方法及工具实现,TP311.52
  15. 统计机器翻译中结构转换技术的研究,TP391.2
  16. 基于串核的蛋白质分类算法的研究与实现,TP301.6
  17. 模糊控制、神经网络在平面二级倒立摆中的应用,TP273.4
  18. 分离镜系统的滑模变结构控制及抖振抑制,TP273
  19. 月球车建模分析及滑转量估计研究,TP242
  20. 腹腔介入式手术机器人机械结构设计及运动仿真,TP242.3
  21. 国有独资公司董事会建设研究,F275

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