学位论文 > 优秀研究生学位论文题录展示


作 者: 王珍
导 师: 陈卫东
学 校: 北京语言大学
专 业: 英语语言文学
关键词: 非英语专业的一年级大学英语词汇教学 语境 词汇应用能力
分类号: H319
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2005年
下 载: 296次
引 用: 0次
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Introduction  9-12
Chapter One: Importance of College English Vocabulary Teaching and Learning For Non-English Major Freshmen  12-17
  1.1 Acquisition and Learning  12
  1.2 The Status of Words in College English Vocabulary Teaching and Learning of Non-English Major Freshmen  12-17
Chapter Two: Review of Literature  17-35
  2.1 Review of Relevant Theories  17-23
    2.1.1 Pragmatics and Meaning  17-18
    2.1.2 Communicative Competence  18-19
    2.1.3 Pragmatic Failure  19-21
    2.1.4 What is Mastering a Word?  21-23
  2.2 The Current Study in China  23-28
    2. 2.1 Problems with Solutions  23-24
    2.2. 2 Methods, Techniques and Strategies  24-25
    2.2.3 Principles  25
    2.2.4 Contexts and College English Vocabulary Teaching and Learning  25-26
    2.2.5 Language Theory and College English Vocabulary Teaching and Learning  26
    2.2.6 Memory and College English Vocabulary Teaching and Learning  26-27
    2.2.7 Passive Vocabulary and Active Vocabulary  27
    2.2.8 Culture and College English Vocabulary Teaching and Learning  27-28
    2.2.9 Language Databank and College English Vocabulary Teaching and Learning  28
  2.3 The Present Situation and Problems of English Vocabulary Teaching and Learning for Non-English Major Freshmen  28-35
    2.3.1. The Influence of the Grammar-Translation Method  28-29
    2.3.2 The Influence of the Structural Approach  29-30
    2.3.3 The Influence of the Communicative Teaching Approach  30
    2.3.4 College English Teachers' Practices and Problems of These Practices  30-33
    2.3.5 The General Procedures  33-35
Chapter Three: Competence of Lexical Application and College English Vocabulary Teaching and Learning for Non-English Major Freshmen  35-38
  3.1 Competence of Lexical Application  35-36
    3.1.1 Raising the Problem of Competence of Lexical Application  35
    3.1.2 What's the Competence of Lexical Application?  35-36
  3.2 The Importance of Developing Competence of lexical Application for Non-English Major Freshmen  36-37
  3.3 The Main Differences of This Study from Other Studies  37-38
Chapter Four: Report of the First Experiment on Subjects' Competence of Lexical Application  38-42
  4.1 Research Aims and Significance  38
  4.2 Subjects  38
  4.3 Materials  38-39
  4.4 Methods  39-40
  4.5 Results  40-41
  4.6 Analyses and Discussion  41-42
Chapter Five: Some Effective Methods of College English Vocabulary Teaching and Learning  42-51
  5.1 Situational College English Vocabulary Teaching and Learning  42-43
  5.2 Reading Materials  43-46
  5.3 Making Conversations  46-48
  5.4 Telling Stories  48-49
  5.5 Solving Problems  49-50
  5.6 Some Other Useful Techniques  50-51
Chapter Six: Report of Second Experiment on Subjects' Competence of Lexical Application  51-59
  6.1 Research Aims and Significance  51
  6.2 Subjects  51-52
  6.3 Materials  52
  6.4 Methods  52-53
  6.5 Expected Result  53-54
  6.6 Results  54-55
  6.7 Analyses and Discussion  55-56
  6.8 Limitations of the Research  56-57
  6.9 A Follow-Up Study  57-59
Chapter Seven: Pedagogical Implications  59-62
  7.1 The Findings of This Study  59-60
  7.2 Implications for College English Vocabulary Teaching and Learning for Non-English Major Students  60-61
  7.3 Recommendations for Further Research  61-62
Conclusion  62-63
Appendix Ⅰ  63-64
Appendix Ⅱ  64-68
Appendix Ⅲ  68-71
Appendix Ⅳ  71-72
References  72-74


  1. 科学语境论浅析,N02
  2. 模糊性问题的语境论解释,N02
  3. 加德纳多元智能理论的语境分析及哲学意义,B842.1
  4. 碎片化语境下的消费者信息选择路径研究,G206
  5. 浅谈对外汉语教学中语境的运用,H195
  6. 从语境顺应看《傲慢与偏见》两个中译本,I046
  7. 媒介融合视域下的我国网络电视台发展研究,F49
  8. 语境与形容词翻译,H059
  9. 从关联理论角度看《红楼梦》中幽默会话的翻译,I046
  10. 从篇章语言学角度分析德国网络上的租房广告,H33
  11. 法庭会话的语境分析,H030
  12. 从认知语用学角度分析语境对广告语篇的影响,H052
  13. 顺应论视角下的小说对话翻译研究,I046
  14. 跨文化语境下公众演讲的对比分析,H019
  15. 试论消费文化语境下的“海子热”现象,I207.25
  16. 以意逆志与客体批评,I206.2
  17. 论语境在文学翻译中的作用,I046
  18. 美语语境下的恭维语及应答的性别差异研究,H313
  19. 阅读能力及语境条件对中国英语学习者叙事性语篇预期推理即时生成的影响研究,H319
  20. 语篇动态性的系统功能语言学研究,H052
  21. 从语境关系顺应看性别话语风格的相对性,H030

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