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Software Development of a Digital Servocontrol System

学 校: 南京理工大学
专 业: 控制科学与工程
关键词: Simulator AC servosystem ARM7 real-time control PID controller USB
分类号: TP273
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2011年
下 载: 9次
引 用: 0次
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This paper is the synthesis of six months of work for a master thesis at the university Nanjing University of Science and Technology (NJUST) located in China in the city of Nanjing during the school year 2010-2011. The project was proposed for replacing an old servocontrol system for controlling the position of an AC motor used in some laboratories of NJUST by students during practical exercises. However the new system met some technical problems and the finality of the project was changed at the last moment and the software development result is a sort of digital servocontrol system simulator (although the original project was modified, this paper also describes a part of the software development of the new servocontrol system for replacing the old system).An evaluation board based on processor Philips LPC2142 (processor ARM7) is used for emulating the position of an alternative current motor (AC motor) to control while a PC is used as graphical user interface (GUI used for setting controller parameters and observing the system performances) and as digital controller. The data transfer between the PC and the evaluation board is ensured by Universal Serial Bus (USB). Then the software development is composed of the development of a graphical user interface using GTK+2 library package, the implementation of an AC motor model (to control in position) into the evaluation board, the development of a digital PID controller with feedforward command with six levels of error correction (one level of error correction corresponds to one set of controller’s gains for correcting a certain range of error) on the PC side, and the establishment of a USB data transfer between the PC and the evaluation board.The realization of this project is mainly divided into five steps:(1) Gathering of knowledge about the programming and the use of the hardware (understand the functioning and the programming of the evaluation board based on the processor ARM7, understand the USB norm and the USB firmware/driver programming, choose the library for designing the graphical user interface);(2) Planning of the software development and establishment of the global system functioning;(3) Programming of the graphical user interface;(4) Programming of the USB data transfers between the PC and the evaluation board, and test the display of curves in real time; (5) Implementation of the AC motor model in the evaluation board side and implementation of the digital PID+feedforward controller on the PC side;(6) General software debugging and testing of the controller performances.The simulations ran show the good functioning of the graphical user interface and the good data transfer between the PC and the evaluation board. The simulations’results show that a PID+feedforward controller with six levels of error correction permits to get better performance in the case of a slope input but in the case of a step or sine input signals it does not bring any improvement and the use of a classical PID+feedforward controller with one level of correction is sufficient.Generally speaking, the design of a graphical user interface in system control applications is useful for the tuning of the controller parameters and for observing the system performances while the use of the Universal Serial Bus in the project shows the possibility to establish data transfer between a PC and any embedded systems via USB instead of using classical interfaces such as ISA interface (Industry Standard Architecture bus interface) or RS-232 interface which are not provided on most of the recent PCs.


Abstract  3-8
List of tables  8
List of figures  8-10
Chapter 1 Introduction  10-15
  1.1 Motivation  10-11
  1.2 Some definitions  11-12
    1.2.1 Servosystem  11-12
    1.2.2 Digital controller  12
    1.2.3 Real time control system  12
  1.3 Technology status  12-14
    1.3.1 Universal Serial Bus (USB)  12-13
    1.3.2 Controllers for servosystem  13-14
  1.4 Organization of the dissertation  14-15
Chapter 2 Presentation of the project  15-25
  2.1 Context  15-16
  2.2 System overview  16-18
    2.2.1 Overview of the final system designed  16
    2.2.2 Overview of the original system to design  16-18
    2.2.3 Objectives  18
  2.3 Hardware structure  18-22
    2.3.1 LPC2142 processor  18
    2.3.2 Control board of the original system  18-21
    2.3.3 Evaluation board used in the system designed  21-22
  2.4 System requirements  22-24
    2.4.1 Requirements  22-23
    2.4.2 Data flows  23-24
  2.5 Summary of chapter 2  24-25
Chapter 3 Software design  25-54
  3.1 Software on the control board (original project)  25-29
  3.2 Software on the evaluation board (present project)  29-32
  3.3 USB software development for PC and LPC2142  32-44
    3.3.1 General functioning of the USB  32-35
    3.3.2 Introduction to USB software development  35-36
    3.3.3 LPC214x USB API for Windows operating system  36-38
    3.3.4 USB device firmware for the LPC214x board:USB214x  38-41
    3.3.5 Development of the USB driver in the original project  41-42
    3.3.6 Development of the USB driver in the present project  42-44
  3.4 Design of the graphical user interface  44-53
    3.4.1 Requirements  44-45
    3.4.2 Composition of the main window  45-47
    3.4.3 Other useful windows  47-49
    3.4.4 Source code structure  49-53
    3.4.5 Composition of the source code (file management)  53
  3.5 Summary of chapter 3  53-54
Chapter4 PID design for AC servosystem  54-66
  4.1 Definitions  54-56
    4.1.1 Feedback control loop  54
    4.1.2 Controller modes  54-55
    4.1.3 Feedforward control  55-56
  4.2 Control of AC servosystem  56-62
    4.2.1 General presentation of AC motors  56
    4.2.2 Mathematical model of a permanent magnet synchronous motor  56-59
    4.2.3 Model used and implemented in the evaluation board  59
    4.2.4 Position control with digital PID controller+feedforward controller  59-60
    4.2.5 Digital controller (PID+feedforward)  60-62
  4.3 Simulation on SIMULINK  62-65
    4.3.1 Simulink model  62
    4.3.2 General tuning method  62-63
    4.3.3 Results obtained  63-65
  4.4 Summary of chapter 4  65-66
Chapter5 Results and analysis  66-79
  5.1 Steps for launching a simulation  66-68
  5.2 Tuning of the six sets of the controller  68-77
    5.2.1 Controller specificity  68
    5.2.2 Tuning method  68-69
    5.2.3 Tuning and Results obtained  69-77
  5.3 Global evaluation  77-79
    5.3.1 Graphical user interface  77-78
    5.3.2 USB communication  78
    5.3.3 Control performance  78-79
Chapter 6 Conclusion  79-80
APPENDIX A:LPC2142 Code samples  80-86
APPENDIX B:Graphical user interface-Description  86-100
APPENDIX C:Technical note-install and use USB driver/API  100-101
Abbreviations  101-102
Acknowledgements  102-103
References  103-105


  1. 电子提花编织机电控系统设计,TS183
  2. 基于嵌入式的安全计算机板卡的测试系统的研究,TP306.2
  3. 基于ARM的远程控制九画面分割系统设计,TP273
  4. 安防监控系统中运动目标检测算法研究,TP391.41
  5. 安全可信的视频传感器节点研究,TN929.5
  6. 基于ARM7的视频传感器节点的研究与实现,TP391.41
  7. 基于ARM7平台的WIA-PA协议栈的设计与实现,TP273
  8. 基于ZigBee的无线监测系统研究与设计,TP212.9
  9. 基于嵌入式系统的机械设备点检仪研制,TH86
  10. 基于TDC-GP1的驯服晶振系统的研究与设计,TN752
  11. 用ARM微控制器实现堆垛机控制的关键技术研究,TH246
  12. 基于VME总线的ARM7主控通信模块设计,V243
  13. 工程车专用控制器的系统软件设计,TP273
  14. 智能控制与远程监测系统的应用研究,TP273
  15. 基于ARM的嵌入式操作系统μC/OS-II的移植和应用研究,TP316.84
  16. 基于模块化的电力负荷管理终端设计与实现,TM73
  17. 基于DSP 54X系列和ARM7的电能质量参数测量系统,TM76
  18. USB-CAN适配卡在轮型识别系统中的应用,TP391.4
  19. 嵌入式Linux无线视频监控系统的设计与实现,TP277
  20. 全自动生化分析仪软件系统的研究与设计,TH776

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