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作 者: 袁武
导 师: 潘蓓英
学 校: 外交学院
专 业: 国际政治
关键词: 非统组织 联合国维和行动 非洲国家 南部非洲 非洲大陆 维和部队 西非 区域组织 冷战后 处理模式
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2000年
下 载: 148次
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Since Afucan Staes have won independence, there broke out many conflicts inAffica. In the latter of l980s, with the relaxation of illtetalional situations, althOughmany African conflicts in cold war era have eased up, some cofltradiction betweentribes, races and religions broke out. Liberia broke out civil war in December l989.Economic Commtalty of West African States (ECOWAS) cwhed out intervention inLiberian civil war in August 1990, which is the first intervention carred out byregional orgAnZaion.Wh do the regional organizations take lead in caping out intervention? Firstly,the United Nations has no caPability to intervene in Africa conflicts in the post-coldwar era. The Afocan confiicts in post-cold war era deferred from those in cold war era.Most of these coallicts in post-cold war era are intema1 condicts, which havespi11over and demonstration effects. It aggravates the theoretical and practicaldifficulties to resolve these conflicts. The falure of U.N. Somalis Operation madeU.N. peacekeeping operations at low ebb. Secondly, west powers do not suPport U.N.peacekeeping operations in Africa any longer. They isolated them from Afuca andeven abdicated their military presence in Affica. Thirdly, Organization of AfficanUnity (OAU) is willing to play a role in resolving African conflicts, but it is short offinancial resources and military caPabilities. Finally, in order to avoid the intemalcondicts to spi1l into the Whole region, the regional organization has to take theresponsibilityECOWAS made successes in resolving the confiicts in West Africa, which starithe ellterprises that Africans resolve Affican conflicts themse1ves. ms provides apattem for other regions of Affica. Howevef, the differences of other Affican regionsWest Afuca to be pattCm of some regions nd the same security environmeni andstrUcfore, while other regions should seek better methods.Under the circumshaCes, a new pthern of Affican confliCt managemam takesshaPe, in Which the U.N., OAU and regional powers and neighboring states play arole in resolving confiicts. The different actor plays diffeent role in different conflict.


引言  6-7
第一章 西非维和行动出现的原因及背景  7-17
  第一节 冷战后非洲危机冲突的特点  7-11
  第二节 西非维和行动出现的原因及背景  11-17
第二章 西非维和行动  17-29
  第一节 西非维和行动的出现  17-27
  第二节 评估西非维和行动  27-29
第三章 透过西非维和看非洲大陆危机处理模式  29-42
  第一节 非统组织对解决非洲冲突的探索  29-35
  第二节 其他危机处理模式  35-40
  第三节 非洲危机处理模式  40-42
结束语  42-43
参考书目  43-45


  1. 后冷战时期国际关系民主化探究,D819
  2. 基于DCE-MRI的乳腺病灶良恶性计算机辅助诊断研究,TP391.7
  3. 冷战后日朝关系的发展变化及其影响因素,D831.3
  4. 驻刚果(金)维和人员及当地居民疟原虫感染状况及与当地医院报告方法差异分析,R531.3
  5. 基于OCR的支票识别系统的研究与实现,TP391.41
  6. 从非洲国家的文化特征看中国对非直接投资,F125.5
  7. 规模化养猪场粪污处理的成本与效益分析,X196
  8. 后冷战时代影响国际油价主要因素研究,F416.22
  9. 战后至建国前美苏对华政策演变研究,D829
  10. 冷战后古巴对外政策研究,D875.1
  11. 基于CCD图像处理的汽车主动安全系统的研究,TP391.41
  12. 二十世纪六十至七十年代美国和平队研究,K712.54
  13. 冷战后中俄文化交流及其对两国关系的影响,G125
  14. 图式理论在同声传译过程中的应用,H059
  15. 冷战后越南的华人政策研究,D733.3
  16. 论冷战初期美国对外传媒战略,D871.2
  17. 冷战后美以关系研究,D838.2
  18. 后冷战时代英美特殊关系的维系,D856.1
  19. 区域性国际组织维和行动研究,D813.2
  20. 基于卫星图像的虚拟数字化城市建模,TP751
  21. 冷战与中国对非洲的政策,K153

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