学位论文 > 优秀研究生学位论文题录展示


作 者: 施晴
导 师: 张燕
学 校: 上海外国语大学
专 业: 英语语言文学
关键词: 商务口译 忠实性原则 评估标准 应对策略
分类号: H059
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2009年
下 载: 231次
引 用: 1次
阅 读: 论文下载




Acknowledgements  4-5
内容摘要  5-6
Abstract  6-10
Ⅰ. Introduction  10-13
Ⅱ. Basic Concepts of Business Interpreting  13-23
  2.1 Overview of Interpreting  13-15
    2.1.1 History of Interpreting  13-14
    2.1.2 Definition of Interpreting  14
    2.1.3 Interpreting Training and Research  14
    2.1.4 Classification of Interpreting  14-15
  2.2 Emergence of Business Interpreting and Its Importance  15-16
  2.3 Up-close—Business Interpreting in China  16-17
  2.4 Characteristics of Business Interpreting  17-23
    2.4.1 Extemporaneousness  17-19
    2.4.2 Stressfulness  19
    2.4.3 Rich Extra-linguistic Information  19-21
    2.4.4 Cross-cultural Consciousness  21-23
Ⅲ. Fidelity Principle Used in Business Interpreting  23-40
  3.1 Overview of Criteria for Assessing Interpreting Quality  23-25
    3.1.1 Perspectives from Theoretical Research  23-24 Theoretical Research in the West  23-24 Theoretical Research in China  24
    3.1.2 Perspectives from Empirical Research  24-25 Research on User’s Expectations  24-25 Research on User’s Assessment  25
  3.2 On Existing Interpreting Criteria  25-27
    3.2.1 General Features  26
    3.2.2 Limitations and Weakness  26-27
  3.3 Fidelity Principle and Its Application in Business Interpreting  27-40
    3.3.1 Elaboration on Fidelity Principle  28-30
    3.3.2 Feasibility & Importance of Fidelity Principle in Business Interpreting  30-31
    3.3.3 Fidelity Principle in Business Interpreting  31-36 Being Faithful to the Message Sender—Sender Loyalty  31-33 Being Faithful to the Target Language  33-34 Being Faithful to the Message Receiver  34-36
    3.3.4 Problems Emerged from Fidelity in Business Interpreting  36-38 Dilemma of Conflicting Interests  36-37 Packaging—Less Is More  37-38 Limitations  38
    3.3.5 Comparison of Fidelity between Business Interpreting & Consecutive Interpreting in Other Settings  38-40 Court Interpreting  38-39 Community Interpreting  39-40
Ⅳ. Achieving Fidelity in Business Interpreting  40-52
  4.1 Business Interpreters—the Bridge of Communication  40-42
    4.1.1 The Task and Role of Business Interpreters  40-42 A Bridge between Two Languages  41 A Bridge between Two Cultures  41-42
  4.2 Qualifications of Business Interpreters  42-45
    4.2.1 Extensive Professional Knowledge  42-43
    4.2.2 Interpersonal Skills  43-44
    4.2.3 Intercultural Communication Competence  44
    4.2.4 Acute Business Sense  44-45
  4.3 Solutions for Achieving Fidelity in Business Interpreting  45-49
    4.3.1 Coping Strategies  45-47 Segmentation  45 Delaying the Response  45-46 Replacing  46 Paraphrasing  46-47
    4.3.2 Special Skills  47-49 Use of Fuzzy Language  47-48 Retention of Fuzzy Message  47 Omission of Fuzzy Message  47-48 Turning Fuzziness into Accuracy  48 Use of Logical Language  48-49 Note-taking  49
  4.4 Experience and Lessons Learnt  49-52
    4.4.1 Insufficient Preparation—Source of Diffidence  50
    4.4.2 Sharp Eyes—Seeing Through Intentions  50-52
Ⅴ. Conclusion  52-54
Bibliography  54-56


  1. 中国政策工具选择研究,D630
  2. 我国专业学位教育发展现状及应对策略研究,G643
  3. 人力资源短缺下的南昌酒店业应对策略探析,F719
  4. 学科背景下的科学教师专业适应现状调查与应对策略研究,G451.1
  5. 化学试题编制问题透视与应对策略,G633.8
  6. 独立学院青年教师心理应激及应对策略研究,G443
  7. 高校学生资助管理机构职能发挥中的问题与对策,G649.2
  8. 阶段转变模型在慢性疼痛患者护理需求及应对策略中的应用研究,R473
  9. 汉语初中级听力教学及应对策略,H195
  10. 我国企业经济性裁员存在的问题及对策研究,F272.92
  11. 强风化地区公路路堑边坡变形破坏机理与施工信息化管理研究,U416.14
  12. 急诊护理人员工作场所暴力应对策略的研究,R47
  13. 对外汉语课堂非预设事件及应对策略探析,H195
  14. 中学生课堂问题行为研究,G632.4
  15. 信息时代对档案职业的影响及应对策略,G271.6
  16. 善治视野下网络舆论危机治理的研究,G206
  17. 东莞市水资源供需矛盾分析及策略研究,TV213.4
  18. 河北省生态足迹研究,X22
  19. 金融危机下恒越服饰的发展战略研究,F426.86
  20. 阳宗海发电公司运营管理研究,F426.61
  21. 幼儿对同伴冲突的归因以及不同归因下应对策略研究,B844.12

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