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作 者: 杨海松
导 师: 卢晶;林志斌
学 校: 南京大学
专 业: 声学
关键词: Packet loss compensation PESQ Evaluation of speech quality
分类号: TN912.3
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2011年
下 载: 21次
引 用: 0次
阅 读: 论文下载


With the development of telecommunication technology, the quality of multimedia data is getting more and more attention. Voice over IP (VoIP) is the destined trend of speech communication technology; however, it suffers from the delay and packet loss problems caused by the mechanism of Ethernet data transfer. Packet loss compensation (PLC) algorithms become increasingly important in VoIP, which effectively improve the speech quality in bad network conditions. Nevertheless, there is not any efficient method and standard to evaluate the performance of different PLC algorithms.The reconstructed speech quality is the direct manifest of the PLC algorithm. The commonly used speech quality evaluation methods are classified into two categories:objective and subjective test. The subjective test is directly related to the human ear perception, which leads it to the most effective evaluation method. However, it suffers from the big burden of repetitive listening test. The objective test is fulfilled by comparing the original speech signal and the reconstructed speech signal using some psychoacoustic model. It can be easily implemented, but its effectiveness, compared with that of the subject test, is a matter to be concerned.It this thesis, different possible evaluation methods for PLC algorithms are summarized, and an objective test method based on perceptual evaluation of speech quality (PESQ) is proposed. The PESQ value distribution is given based on the evaluation of large data collection. Furthermore, the comparison between the proposed objective test method and the subjective method is conducted, which proves the effectiveness of the proposed objective method. In addition, some description words are summarized from the subjective test to facilitate the improvement of PLC algorithms.


英文摘要  2-5
第一章 绪论  5-8
  1.1 课题的目的与意义  5-6
  1.2 本文的主要内容  6-8
第二章 音频质量的主观测评方法  8-15
  2.1 音频质量主观评测的历史发展与现状  8
  2.2 语音主观测试的常用方法  8-12
  2.3 音频质量的主观评测方法及主观实验要求  12-15
第三章 音频质量的客观测评方法  15-25
  3.1 模拟主观评测的音频质量客观测试方法概述  15
  3.2 PESQ原理与实验应用  15-21
    3.2.1 PESQ原理  15-16
    3.2.2 PESQ内部各模块原理  16-21
  3.3 PESQ测量结果的可靠性  21-22
  3.4 PESQ测量的精确度值  22-25
第四章 丢帧补偿算法的评价方法及验证  25-34
  4.1 基于E-Model的VolP质量测量方法  25-27
  4.2 实验的前期准备  27-28
  4.3 实验条件与数据分析  28-30
  4.4 置信区间分析  30-31
  4.5 主客观测试相关度分析  31-33
  4.6 丢帧语音的主观特性描述  33-34
第五章 总结与展望  34-36
参考文献  36-38
致谢  38-39
研究生期间主要成果  39-40


  1. 语音质量测量系统,TN912.3
  2. 下一代移动网络中语音质量测试研究,TN929.5
  3. 关于深圳移动核心网络语音质量评估的研究,TN929.5
  4. 窄带语音质量评价算法研究与实现,TN912.3
  5. 听觉—声学混合LPC方法研究,TN912.3
  6. H.323系统语音质量评估体系的研究,TN912.3
  7. SCDMA系统G.729声码器的实现与保护,TN929.533
  8. 8kbit/s低延迟语音编码算法研究,TN912.3
  9. 语音质量客观评价系统的设计与实现,TP311.52
  10. PESQ语音质量评价系统的算法研究与实现,TN912.3
  11. 基于EPESQ的VoIP语音质量评估的研究与实现,TN916.2
  12. 说话人识别中不同语音编码影响的补偿方法,TN912.34
  13. 多重ANN/HMM混合模型在语音识别中的应用,TN912.34
  14. 基于DSP的机器人语音命令识别系统研制,TN912.34
  15. 音乐结构自动分析研究,TN912.3
  16. 网络语音传输丢包的恢复技术,TN912.3
  17. 基于小波变换的语音信号去噪及其DSP算法实现,TN912.3
  18. 基于多重分形的语音情感识别研究,TN912.34
  19. 语音信号的压缩感知研究及其在语音编码中的应用,TN912.3
  20. iLBC语音编码技术的研究及DSP的设计与优化,TN912.3
  21. 数字音频真实性检测方法的研究与实现,TN912.3

中图分类: > 工业技术 > 无线电电子学、电信技术 > 通信 > 电声技术和语音信号处理 > 语音信号处理
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