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作 者: 陈倩
导 师: 杜倩倩
学 校: 上海交通大学
专 业: 金融
关键词: 业绩快报 市场反应 信息质量 发布动因
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2013年
下 载: 10次
引 用: 0次
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Abstract  5-7
摘要  7-8
1. Introduction  8-11
  1.1 Research background  8-9
  1.2 Basic idea and innovation  9-10
  1.3 Section outline  10-11
2. Introduction of institution development of earnings forecasts  11-14
  2.1 Earnings preannouncement  11-12
  2.2 Preliminary earnings estimate  12-14
3. Literature review  14-20
  3.1 Cornerstone for studies on information content of accounting earnings  14-15
    3.1.1 Information asymmetry  14
    3.1.2 Efficient market hypothesis  14-15
    3.1.3 Information content  15
  3.2 Earnings forecasts and market reaction  15-17
    3.2.1 Foreign studies  15-16
    3.2.2 Chinese studies  16-17
  3.3 Disclosing strategy  17-20
    3.3.1 Timeliness  17-18
    3.3.2 Corporate governance  18
    3.3.3 Other issues  18-20
4. Theoretical analysis and hypotheses  20-25
  4.1 Information content of semi-annual preliminary earnings estimate  20-21
  4.2 Effect of semi-annual preliminary earnings estimate on weakening stock price fluctuation round half year earnings announcement day  21
  4.3 Relationship between accuracy and timeliness of semi-annual preliminary earnings estimate and price fluctuation round half year earnings announcement day  21-22
  4.4 Factors that influence management’s choice of disclosing semi-annual preliminary earnings estimates  22-25
5. Research design  25-37
  5.1 Sample collection  25-26
  5.2 Criteria for dropping samples  26-27
  5.3 Calculation of key variables  27-30
    5.3.1 Unexpected earnings  27-28
    5.3.2 Cumulative abnormal return  28-29
    5.3.3 Abnormal return volatility  29-30
    5.3.4 Difference between preliminary earnings estimate and semi-annual financial statements  30
  5.4 Other variables  30-31
    5.4.1 Institutional holding  30
    5.4.2 Leverage  30
    5.4.3 Price to book ratio  30-31
    5.4.4 Company scale  31
    5.4.5 SME  31
    5.4.6 Year  31
  5.5 Methodologies and models  31-35
    5.5.1 Information content of semi-annual preliminary earnings estimate  31-32
    5.5.2 Effect of semi-annual preliminary earnings estimate on weakening stock price fluctuation round half year financial announcement day  32-33
    5.5.3 Relationship between accuracy and timeliness of semi-annual preliminary earnings estimate and price fluctuation round half year financial announcement day  33-34
    5.5.4 Factors that influence management’s choice of disclosing semi-annual preliminary earnings estimates  34-35
  5.6 Summary of variables  35-37
6. Empirical results and analysis  37-55
  6.1 Test for Hypothesis 1  37-42
    6.1.1 Descriptive data  37-41
    6.1.2 Regression result  41-42
  6.2 Test for Hypothesis 2  42-48
    6.2.1 Descriptive data  42-46
    6.2.2 Regression results  46-48
  6.3 Test for Hypothesis 3  48-51
    6.3.1 Descriptive data  48-49
    6.3.2 Regression result  49-51
  6.4 Test for Hypothesis 4  51-55
    6.4.1 Descriptive data  51-52
    6.4.2 Regression result  52-55
7. Robustness check  55-56
8. Discussion on policy implication and improvement  56-58
9. Conclusion of the paper  58-60
Bibliography  60-65
Acknowledgements  65-68
附件  68


  1. 我国所得税会计准则实施效果研究,F812.42
  2. 开发支出的会计信息有用性研究,F832.51;F224
  3. 我国新油气准则对会计信息质量的影响研究,F233
  4. 基于信贷风险防范的会计信息质量评估研究,F233
  5. 我国年报重述的短期市场反应,F832.51;F224
  6. 制度环境因素对会计准则执行影响的研究,F233
  7. 会计信息质量对融资成本的敏感性研究:股权VS债务,F832.51
  8. 中金岭南铊污染事件市场反应分析及启示,F426.32
  9. 中国上市公司定向增发折价和市场反应研究,F832.51
  10. 上市公司价值信息披露及市场反应研究,F224
  11. 我国上市公司控制权转移的市场反应研究,F276.6;F224
  12. 基于资产减值的会计信息质量研究,F233
  13. 我国企业应对反倾销的会计信息质量研究,F752.02
  14. 通用质量信息管理系统的研究,TH186
  15. 我国上市公司财务重述的股票市场反应,F832.51;F224
  16. 股票市场对我国应用公允价值的反应研究,F832.51
  17. 集团公司整体上市的股票市场反应实证研究,F224
  18. 中国证券市场噪声交易影响因素研究,F224
  19. 新准则实施前后会计数据价值相关性实证研究,F224
  20. 基于合并财务报表准则的信息质量研究,F231.5
  21. 上市公司股权激励公告的市场反应研究,F275;F224

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