学位论文 > 优秀研究生学位论文题录展示


作 者: Christopher Peter Clarke
导 师: 于良芝
学 校: 南开大学
专 业: 图书馆学
关键词: 数字鸿沟 公共图书馆 信息通讯技术 用户行为 中国
分类号: G258.2
类 型: 博士论文
年 份: 2012年
下 载: 23次
引 用: 0次
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摘要  5-8
Abstract  8-26
Chapter 1: Introduction  26-47
  1.1 Introduction  26-27
  1.2 Background to the problem  27-34
  1.3 Purpose of the study  34-37
  1.4 Significance of the study  37-40
  1.5 Delimitation of the study  40-41
  1.6 Outline of the study  41-47
Chapter 2: Literature review  47-129
  2.1 Introduction  47
  2.2 The history of the digital divide discourse  47-50
  2.3 The power of technology  50-53
  2.4 Perspectives on the digital divide  53-60
  2.5 Cause and effect - the digital divide in action  60-82
    2.5.1 The international divide  60-69
    2.5.2 The national divide  69-82
  2.6 Solutions  82-104
    2.6.1 Information policy and initiatives  82-92
    2.6.2 Education and training  92-96
    2.6.3 Technology provision and access  96-101
    2.6.4 Bias in proposed solutions and problems of implementation  101-104
  2.7 The role of the library in bridging the digital divide  104-126
    2.7.1 Library ICT use  104-110
    2.7.2 Providing access to ICT  110-113
    2.7.3 Information providers and managers  113-117
    2.7.4 Providing training and developing users' skills  117-121
    2.7.5 Collaboration with other institutions  121-124
    2.7.6 Community development  124-126
  2.8 Summary  126-129
Chapter 3: The context of China  129-155
  3.1 Introduction  129
  3.2 Chinese information and communications technology development  129-142
  3.3 Service provision: numbers of users and speed of uptake  142-144
  3.4 Current digital divide related projects and developments  144-148
  3.5 Chinese public libraries  148-155
Chapter 4: Theoretical framework  155-176
  4.1 Introduction  155-157
  4.2 Models of information behaviour  157-164
  4.3 Research model  164-170
  4.4 Hypotheses  170-175
  4.5 Summary  175-176
Chapter 5: Research Method  176-274
  5.1 Introduction  176-177
  5.2 Research setting  177-185
    5.2.1 Guangdong  180-182
    5.2.2 Jiangsu  182-183
    5.2.3 Shaanxi  183-184
    5.2.4 Shanxi  184
    5.2.5 Heilongjiang  184-185
  5.3 Choice of method  185-187
  5.4 Questionnaire design  187-230
    5.4.1 Variables  194-217
    5.4.2 Questions  217-228
    5.4.3 Translation  228-230
  5.5 Interviews  230-231
  5.6 Research assistants  231-233
  5.7 The pilot study  233-234
  5.8 Sample  234-247
    5.8.1 Response rates and usable data  242-247
  5.9 Demographics of respondents  247-263
    5.9.1 Sex  247-248
    5.9.2 Age  248-250
    5.9.3 Marital status  250-252
    5.9.4 Children  252-253
    5.9.5 Educational level  253-255
    5.9.6 Occupation  255-258
    5.9.7 Employment status  258-260
    5.9.8 Income  260-262
    5.9.9 Summary  262-263
  5.10 Ethical concerns  263-265
  5.11 Validity and reliability  265-267
  5.12 Data analysis  267-274
    5.12.1 Descriptive statistics  267-268
    5.12.2 Logistic regression and multiple regression analysis  268-274
Chapter 6: Results - Use or non-use of the libraries ICT facilities  274-295
  6.1 Introduction  274-275
  6.2 Descriptive statistics - how many library users use the ICT?  275-278
  6.3 Logistic regression analysis: use or non-use of the library's ICT  278-282
  6.4 Significant user perceptions of library use factors and variables  282-286
  6.5 Significant user factors and variables  286-290
  6.6 Summary  290-295
Chapter 7: Results - Frequency of use of the libraries ICT facilities  295-317
  7.1 Introduction  295
  7.2 Descriptive statistics - how often do users utilise the library ICT facilities?  295-298
  7.3 Multiple regression analysis: frequency of use  298-302
  7.4 Significant user perceptions of the library and library ICT factors and variables  302-306
  7.5 Significant user factors and variables  306-310
  7.6 Significant task factors and variables  310-311
  7.7 Summary  311-317
Chapter 8: Results - type of use of the libraries ICT  317-341
  8.1 Introduction  317
  8.2 Descriptive statistics - what tasks do the ICT users utilise the ICT for ?  317-320
  8.3 Significant variables and factors affecting a users' task performance  320-338
    8.3.1 User  329-332
    8.3.2 User perceptions of the library and library use  332-335
    8.3.3 User perceptions of the library ICT  335-337
    8.3.4 Task  337-338
  8.4 Summary: Type of usage and the user  338-341
Chapter 9: Discussion and conclusions  341-375
  9.1 Results of hypothesis testing  341-348
  9.2 Use of library ICT and affecting factors  348-356
  9.3 The role of the Chinese public libraries in bridging theb digital divide as seen from the perspective of users  356-358
  9.4 Practical implications for Chinese public libraries  358-362
  9.5 Theoretical contributions to the digital divide theories  362-363
  9.6 Theoretical contributions to information seeking behaviour research  363-365
  9.7 Limitations of the study  365-369
  9.8 Recommendations for future research  369-375
    9.8.1 Replicate the study during university and school semesters  370-371
    9.8.2 Investigate the impact of training programmes on sustained library ICT use  371
    9.8.3 A comparison between libraries and internet cafes  371-373
    9.8.4 Comparison with non-library users  373
    9.8.5 Replicating the study in other provinces or other developing countries  373-375
References  375-411
Appendix A  411-426
  Final questionnaire design: English version  411-421
  Final questionnaire design: Chinese version  421-426
Appendix B  426-428
  Interview questions framework:  426-428
Appendix C  428-433
  Educational tasks  428-429
  Economic tasks  429-430
  Leisure tasks  430-431
  Creative tasks  431-432
  Communicative tasks  432-433
Acknowledgements  433-438
个人简历 、在学期间发表的学术论文与研究成果  438-440


  1. 中学思想政治教育与儒学传统思想的继承,G633.2
  2. 福建省中国共产党领导的多党合作研究(1949-1976),D665
  3. 第29届奥运会中国男篮攻防转换的研究分析,G841
  4. 中国北方少数民族服装结构研究,TS941.1
  5. 后配额时代中印纺织品贸易发展关系研究,F752.7
  6. 哲学视域下的中国共产党执政文化建设研究,D25
  7. 中国共产党对社会主义本质的探索,D61
  8. 论我国社会主义发展观演变中的思维方式变革,D61
  9. 新中国成立以来的宗教政策研究,D635
  10. 我国野生动物保护法律制度完善研究,D922.68
  11. 传播学视域下当代中国马克思主义哲学大众化研究,B27
  12. 中国共产党执政方式改革与完善的路径选择,D25
  13. 论中国共产党党内民主的制度化建设,D262.11
  14. 全球化背景下当代中国发展道路研究,D616
  15. 我国大学文科教育本质和功能的反思,G649.2
  16. 中国科技传播体系建设的现状与对策研究,G301
  17. 近十年中国高等教育研究主题变化研究,G649.2
  18. 我国民办高校资本市场融资研究,G648.7
  19. 中印高等教育投资来源比较研究,G649.1
  20. 中国男篮进攻战术与世界篮球强队比较分析,G841
  21. 当代中国马克思主义创新思想研究,D61

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