学位论文 > 优秀研究生学位论文题录展示


作 者: 王佳惠
导 师: 赵雯
学 校: 东北大学
专 业: 外国语言学及应用语言学
关键词: 教师专业伦理 师德建设 全美教育协会 教育专业伦理规范
分类号: G451.6
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2013年
下 载: 16次
引 用: 0次
阅 读: 论文下载




Acknowledgements  5-6
Abstract  6-8
摘要  8-11
Chapter Ⅰ Introduction  11-19
  1.1 The Necessity of the Construction of Professional Ethics  12-13
  1.2 The Conflicts between Contents and Form in China's Teacher's Professional EthicsConstruction  13-16
  1.3 Threshold and Vision of the Professional Ethics:Development of the Western Research  16-19
Chapter II Explorations of the Constructionof Professional Ethics in Education  19-29
  2.1 Different Definitions of the Professional Ethics in China and America  19-22
    2.1.1 Definitions of the Professional Ethics in China  19-20
    2.1.2 Definitions of the Professional Ethics in America  20-22
  2.2 Significance of the Construction of Professional Ethics in Education  22-26
    2.2.1 The Macro Significance  23-25
    2.2.2 The Micro Significance  25-26
  2.3 Formulation and Development of the Codes of Professional Ethics in China and America  26-29
Chapter Ⅲ Development of Teaching Professionalization and theConstruction of Professional Ethics in Education in America  29-49
  3.1 The Development of Teaching Professionalization in General  29-30
  3.2 Development and Evolution of the Teacher Professional Ethics  30-39
    3.2.1 The Initial Formulation of the Code of Ethics Based on Sufficient Preparation  32-33
    3.2.2 From Establishing the Code of Ethics to Emphasizing the Effectiveness of the Code(1941-1952)  33-36 Comprehensive Understanding of the Codes' Function  34 Reflecting the Adjustment of New Educational Practice and Ethical Demands  34-35 Taking Preliminary Measures to Safeguard the Execution of the Code  35-36
    3.2.3 Concentrating on Rules to Guarantee the Execution of the Codes of Ethics  36-37
    3.2.4 The Finalization of the Codes Shifting from Universal morality to Professional Teacher Ethics  37-39
  3.3 Contents, Forms and the Characteristics of the American Teacher Professional Ethics Codes  39-45
    3.3.1 The Contents of the American Teacher Professional Ethics Codes  39-43 The Relatively Stable Connation of the Teacher Ethics  41-42 Complex and Varied Extension of the Teacher Ethics  42-43
    3.3.2 Forms of the American Teacher Professional Ethics Codes  43-45 Specification, the Granted and Ideal Embodiment of the Teacher Ethics  43-44 Teachers, the Realistic and Practical Embodiment of the Teacher Ethics  44-45
  3.4 The Influence of the American Teacher Professional Ethics on the Teaching Development  45-49
    3.4.1 Laws, the Bottom-line of the Teacher Professional Ethics  45
    3.4.2 The Dilemma, the External and the Internal of the Teacher Ethics  45-46
    3.4.3 Multiple Symbiosis, the Deserved Meaning of the Teacher Ethics  46-49
Chapter Ⅳ Reconstruction of the Domestic Teacher Professional Ethics  49-55
  4.1 Reconstruct our Domestic's Teacher Professional Ethics on Professionalization Construction  49-51
  4.2 Reflecting the Realistic Education Needs in Practice by Making Professional Ethics Codes  51
  4.3 Organizing the Contents Stratified to Function Completely and Comprehensively  51-52
  4.4 Improving the Supporting Executive Measurement of the Codes  52-53
  4.5 Strengthen the Propaganda of the Codes  53-55
Chapter Ⅴ Conclusion  55-57
Reference  57-59


  1. 幼儿园教师专业伦理的缺失与生成,G615
  2. 美国全国教育协会教育专业伦理规范历史演进探析,G571.2
  3. 中学教师专业伦理素养研究,G635.1
  4. 美国教师专业组织保障教师权益活动的研究,G571.2
  5. 多元文化下美国教师专业伦理研究,G451.1
  6. 我国中小学教师职业道德规则研究,G635.1
  7. 我国教师专业伦理建设研究,G451.6
  8. 中小学教师专业伦理缺失与重建研究,G635.1
  9. 全美教育协会推动教师专业化的策略研究,G451.1
  10. 学习型社会教师专业伦理的构建研究,G451.1
  11. 美国教师组织影响教师质量的历程、举措和经验探析,G571.2
  12. 利益集团视角下的美国教师组织对教育政策影响的研究,G571.2
  13. 教师合作中的专业伦理问题研究,G451.1
  14. 美国教师权益维护研究-以全美教育协会为研究对象,G451
  15. 美国职前教师专业伦理教育途径研究-以三个教师教育项目为范例,G451.1
  16. 幼儿教师专业伦理形成研究,G615
  17. 幼儿园教师专业伦理研究,G615
  18. 当前我国小学教师专业伦理建设的问题与对策研究,G625.1
  19. 经济学视域下中小学教师专业伦理研究,G635.1
  20. 幼儿园教师专业伦理观念与行为的现状研究-基于对浙江省部分市县幼儿园教师的调查,G615

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