学位论文 > 优秀研究生学位论文题录展示


作 者: 傅利
导 师: 何兆熊
学 校: 上海外国语大学
专 业: 英语语言文学
关键词: 语境 言语行为 人际修辞 问-答话语 英语作为外语的课堂教学
分类号: H319
类 型: 博士论文
年 份: 2007年
下 载: 2362次
引 用: 2次
阅 读: 论文下载




Acknowledgements  5-7
Abstract  7-9
中文摘要  9-16
Chapter 1 Introduction  16-22
  1.1 Objectives of the Present Study  17
  1.2 Rationale for the Present Study  17-18
  1.3 Methodology and Data for the Present Study  18-20
    1.3.1 Methodology  18-19
    1.3.2 Data collection  19
    1.3.3 Data description  19-20
    1.3.4 Limitations in data collection  20
  1.4 Organization of the Dissertation  20-22
Chapter 2 Literature Review  22-42
  Introduction  22
  2.1 Discourse Analysis  22-27
    2.1.1 Early attempts  22-23
    2.1.2 Sociological approach  23-25
    2.1.3 Sociolinguistic approach  25-27
  2.2 Critical Discourse Analysis  27-32
    2.2.1 Discourse as power/knowledge  28-29
    2.2.2 Discourse as social practice  29-30
    2.2.3 Discourse as (re)production of dominance  30-31
    2.2.4 Critique  31-32
  2.3 Classroom Discourse Analysis  32-40
    2.3.1 Hierarchical rank model  33-34
    2.3.2 Instructional phase  34-35
    2.3.3 Language classroom research  35-36
    2.3.4 Critical analysis of classroom discourse  36-38
    2.3.5 Classroom question and answer research  38-40
  Conclusion  40-42
Chapter 3 Pragmatic Theories for the Present Study  42-64
  Introduction  42
  3.1 Context  42-46
    3.1.1 What is context?  42-43
    3.1.2 The context-bound study  43-45
    3.1.3 The context-bound discourse  45-46
  3.2 Speech Act Theory  46-54
    3.2.1 Speech acts  46-47
    3.2.2 Illocutionary acts  47-48
    3.2.3 Questions and answers as illocutionary acts  48-51
    3.2.4 Questions as indirect directives  51-52
    3.2.5 Questions and answers as indirect speech acts  52-54
  3.3 Interpersonal Rhetoric  54-62
    3.3.1 Cooperative principle (CP)  55-56
    3.3.2 Politeness principle (PP)  56-59
    3.3.3 Questions as face-threatening acts?  59-60
    3.3.4 Answers and silence as face-losing acts?  60-62
  Conclusion  62-64
Chapter 4 Questions in the EFL Classroom  64-90
  Introduction  64
  4.1 Forms of Questions  64-73
    4.1.1 General questions  65-66
    4.1.2 Special questions  66-67
    4.1.3 Alternative questions  67-68
    4.1.4 Disjunctive questions  68-69
    4.1.5 Rhetorical questions  69-70
    4.1.6 Declarative and imperative questions  70-71
    4.1.7 Shortened forms of questions  71-73
  4.2 Functions of Questions  73-84
    4.2.1 Informative function  74-75
    4.2.2 Interpersonal function  75-77
    4.2.3 Directive function  77-78
    4.2.4 Instructive function  78-83
    4.2.5 Exploratory function  83-84
  4.3 Features of Teacher’s Questions  84-88
    4.3.1 Reiteration of questions  84-85
    4.3.2 Simplification of questions  85-86
    4.3.3 Clustering of questions  86-87
    4.3.4 Self-answering of questions  87-88
  Conclusion  88-90
Chapter 5 Answers in the EFL Classroom  90-108
  Introduction  90
  5.1 Criteria for the Classification of Answers  90-94
    5.1.1 Adjacency pair  90-91
    5.1.2 Pragmatic presupposition  91-94
    5.1.3 Cooperative principle  94
  5.2 Preferred Second Pair Part  94-97
    5.2.1 Adequate answers  95-96
    5.2.2 Excessive answers  96-97
  5.3 Dispreferred Second Pair Part  97-101
    5.3.1 Deficient answers  98-99
    5.3.2 Incorrect answers  99-100
    5.3.3 Indirect answers  100-101
  5.4 Zero Second Pair Part  101-105
    5.4.1 Silence and void of action  102-103
    5.4.2 Examination of silence  103-105
  Conclusion  105-108
Chapter 6 Question-Answer Structures in the EFL Classroom  108-134
  Introduction  108
  6.1 Instructional Interaction  108-111
    6.1.1 Institutional talk and ordinary talk  108-109
    6.1.2 Institutional interaction and classroom interaction  109-111
    6.1.3 Teacher’s domination of turn-taking  111
  6.2 Question-Answer Structures  111-119
    6.2.1 Initiation-Response  113
    6.2.2 Initiation-Response-Feedback  113-114
    6.2.3 Initiation-Response1/Initiati0112-Feedback/Response2  114-115
    6.2.4 Initiation-Response-Feedback/I_2-(R_2-F_2/I_3…)  115-117
    6.2.5 Initiation-Response (-I_2-R_2…)-Feedback_n  117-118
    6.2.6 Initiation-Response-Feedback -(R_2…F_n)  118-119
  6.3 Examination of the Question-Answer Structures  119-123
    6.3.1 The IRF structure  120
    6.3.2 Examination of the initiation  120-121
    6.3.3 Examination of the response  121
    6.3.4 Examination of the feedback  121-122
    6.3.5 Extension of the IRF structure  122-123
  6.4 Repairs in the Question-Answer Discourse  123-131
    6.4.1 Intra-sentence repairs  124-125
    6.4.2 Intra-turn repairs  125-126
    6.4.3 Inter-turn self-initiated other-repairs  126-127
    6.4.4 Inter-turn other-initiated other-repairs  127-128
    6.4.5 Tri-turn repairs  128-130
    6.4.6 Examination of the repairs  130-131
  Conclusion  131-134
Chapter 7 Conclusion  134-146
  Introduction  134
  7.1 Limitations in the Study  134-135
  7.2 Summary of the Study  135-138
  7.3 Implications for EFL Teaching  138-144
    7.3.1 The role relationship between teacher and student  138-140
    7.3.2 The increase of student’s talk  140-141
    7.3.3 The functions of feedback  141-142
    7.3.4 The development of students’pragmatic competence  142-144
  7.4 Suggestions for Future Research  144-146
Bibliography  146-154
Appendices  154-162


  1. 科学语境论浅析,N02
  2. 模糊性问题的语境论解释,N02
  3. 维特根斯坦语境论探究,B521
  4. 加德纳多元智能理论的语境分析及哲学意义,B842.1
  5. 社会科学中的语境问题,C0
  6. 语境认识论初探,N02
  7. 语境论世界观的初探,N02
  8. 语境论真理观探究,N02
  9. 不同性别大学英语教师指令性言语行为语用研究,H319
  10. 碎片化语境下的消费者信息选择路径研究,G206
  11. 小学语文语境式词语教学探究,G623.2
  12. 浅谈对外汉语教学中语境的运用,H195
  13. 关联—顺应模式下英汉词语文化联想意义的翻译研究,H315.9
  14. 从语境顺应看《傲慢与偏见》两个中译本,I046
  15. 语用关联理论与大学英语阅读理解,H319
  16. 现代汉语语境的解释功能与对外汉语教学,H195
  17. “好汉两个半”中语音歧义的语用效果研究:言语行为理论视角,H313
  18. 高语境文化背景下强关系中的人际传播素质概念建构与测量,G206
  19. 媒介融合视域下的我国网络电视台发展研究,F49
  20. 荒诞中的现实—《房间》的文体分析,I562.073
  21. 道歉言语行为俄汉对比研究,H35

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