学位论文 > 优秀研究生学位论文题录展示


作 者: 刘伟丽
导 师: 孙翠兰
学 校: 山东大学
专 业: 英语语言文学
关键词: 元认知策略 元认知策略培训 自主学习能力 策略能力
分类号: H319
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2011年
下 载: 221次
引 用: 0次
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Abstract  14-19
摘要  19-21
Tables and Figures  21-23
Chapter One Introduction  23-29
  1.1 Background of the Study  23-24
  1.2 Purpose and Significance of the Study  24-27
    1.2.1 Theoretical Value  24-26
    1.2.2 Practical Value  26-27
  1.3 Framework of the Thesis  27-29
Chapter Two Literature Review  29-56
  2.1 Autonomous Learning and Self-access Learning  29-32
    2.1.1 Definition of Autonomy and Autonomous learning  29-30
    2.1.2 Classification of Autonomous Learning Competence  30-31
    2.1.3 Definition of Self-access Learning  31-32
  2.2 Learning Strategies  32-36
    2.2.1 Definitions and Classfication of Learning Strategies  32-33
    2.2.2 Classification of Learning Strategies  33-36
  2.3 Metacognitive Strategies  36-40
    2.3.1 Importance of Metacognitive Strategies in English Language Teaching  38-39
    2.3.2 Metacognitive Strategies and Learner Autonomy  39-40
  2.4. Strategy Training  40-49
    2.4.1 Goals of Strategy Training  42-43
    2.4.2 Types of Strategy Training  43-44
    2.4.3 The Teacher's Role in Strategy Training  44-46
    2.4.4 Strategy Training Model  46-49
  2.5 Metacognitive Strategy Training  49-52
    2.5.1 General Introduction of Metacognitive Strategies Training  49-50
    2.5.2 Metacognitive Strategies Training Abroad  50-51
    2.5.3 Metacognitive Strategies Training in China  51-52
  2.6 Listening Comprehension  52-56
    2.6.1 Importance of Listening Comprehension  52-53
    2.6.2 Listening Comprehension and Metacognitive Strategies in Listening  53-56
Chapter Three Research Design and Data Analysis  56-64
  3.1 Introduction  56
  3.2 Research Methodology  56-64
    3.2.1 Objectives  56-57
    3.2.2 Subjects  57
    3.2.3 Instruments  57-61 Questionnaire on Metacognitive Strategy in Listening  58-59 Questionnaire on Autonomous Listening Competence  59-60 After-Training Interview  60-61
    3.2.4 Procedure of Data Collection  61-64 Administration of the Pre-training Questionnaires  61 Administration of the Post-training Questionnaires  61-62 Pre-testing  62 Post-testing  62 Interviews  62-64
Chapter Four Experimental Study  64-87
  4.1 Pre-training Questionnaires  64-66
    4.1.1 Questionnaire on Metacognitive Strategy in Listening  64-65
    4.1.2 Questionnaire on Autonomous Listening Competence  65-66
  4.2 Pre-testing  66-67
    4.2.1 Statistical Description of Pre-Testing Scores  66-67
    4.2.2 Independent Samples of T-test of Pre-testing Scores  67
  4.3 The Process of Metacognitive Training  67-77
    4.3.1 Suggested Training Model  67-70
    4.3.2 The Detailed Description of the Training  70-77
  4.4 Post-testing  77-79
    4.4.1 Statistical Description of Post-testing Scores  77-78
    4.4.2 Independent Samples of T-test of Post-testing Scores  78
    4.4.3 Paired Samples of T-test of Post-testing Scores  78-79
  4.5 Post-training Questionnaires  79-81
    4.5.1 Questionnaire on Metacognitive Strategy in Listening  79-80
    4.5.2 Questionnaire on Autonomous Listening Competence  80-81
  4.6 Interviews  81-87
    4.6.1 Presentation of the Interviews  81-85
    4.6.2 Discussion of the Interviews  85-87
Chapter Five Results and Discussions  87-96
  5.1 Principal Findings of the Present Study  87-96
    5.1.1 The Present State of Metacognitive Strategy Use for the First Year Non-English Major College Students  87-88
    5.1.2 Differences of Metacognitive Strategy Use Based on Gender  88-90
    5.1.3 Differences of Metacognitive Strategy Use Between Majors of Liberal Arts and Natural Science  90-92
    5.1.4 The Effectiveness of Metacognitive Strategy Training on Students of Different Levels  92-94
    5.1.5 The Most Effective Way of Promoting Autonomous Competence in Metacognitive Training  94-96
Chapter Six Conclusion  96-105
  6.1 Major Findings of the Present Study  96-99
    6.1.1 Present State of Metacognitive Strategy Use for the First Year Non-English Major College students  96-97
    6.1.2 Differences of Metacognitive Strategy Use Based on Gender  97-98
    6.1.3 Differences of Metacognitive Strategy Use Between Majors of Liberal Arts and Natural Science  98
    6.1.4 The Effectiveness of Metacognitive Strategy Training on Students of Different Levels  98
    6.1.5 The Most Effective Way of Promoting Autonomous Competence in Metacognitive Training  98-99
  6.2 Implications for Metacognitive Strategy Training in Listening in China  99-102
    6.2.1 Teachers' Role in Metacognitive Strategy Training in Listening  100-102
    6.2.2 The Typical Way of Arousing Students' Awareness in Metacognitive Strategy Training  102
  6.3 Recommendations for Future Research  102
  6.4 Limitations of the Present Study  102-105
Reference  105-109
Acknowledgements  109-110
Appendix  110-129
  Appendix A Questionnaire on Metacognitive Strategy in Listening  110-112
  Appendix B Questionnaire on Autonomous Listening Competence  112-114
  Appendix C  114-123
    Pre-training Test  114-118
    Post-training Test  118-123
  Appendix D An Outline of 16-Week Metacognitive Training Curriculum  123-125
  Appendix E Self-access Learning Contract  125-126
  Appendix F Embedded Metacognitive Strategies Games  126-128
  Appendix G Self-evalution Questions on Self-access Listening  128-129
Papers Published During the Study of M.A.Degree  129-130
学位论文评阅及答辩情况表  130


  1. 高中生物教学中培养学生自主学习能力的尝试,G633.91
  2. 探析初中语文教学文本自主学习能力的培养,G633.3
  3. 高中生历史自主学习能力的调查分析,G633.51
  4. 高中英语词汇教学中存在的问题与对策研究,G633.41
  5. 计算机自适应考试系统研究与实现,TP311.52
  6. 中国博士生跨文化交际能力研究,H319
  7. 大学英语教学中项目学习的实证研究,H319
  8. 中国学生的自主学习能力、自我概念与其英语学习成绩之间的关系研究,H319
  9. 课外阅读中元认知策略的使用与非英语专业学生阅读能力的提高,H319
  10. 非英语专业大学生的性格和英语词汇学习策略的关系研究,H319
  11. 元认知策略对英语新闻听力能力影响的实证研究,H319
  12. The Influence of Meta-cognitive Strategies on English Achievements of English-majors from Private Universities,H319
  13. 交际文化习得途径对比研究,H09
  14. 培养高职学生自主学习能力的有效途径,H319
  15. 高职院校非英语专业学生自主学习能力调查,H319
  16. 元认知策略训练对大学生英语阅读能力的影响,H319
  17. 基于元认知策略理论的外语自主性学习研究,H319
  18. 非英语专业学生听力教学中元认知策略的运用,H319
  19. 高中英语文化教学中的自主学习策略,G633.41
  20. 长沙卫校护理专业学生英语学习策略应用研究,H319
  21. 非英语专业本科生自主学习能力影响因素的模型构建,H319

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