学位论文 > 优秀研究生学位论文题录展示
作 者: 鲍玉君
导 师: 冯之林
学 校: 广东外语外贸大学
专 业: 外国语言学及应用语言学
关键词: 黑奴吁天录 社会历史背景 描述性研究 小说翻译 翻译策略的选择 译文文本 规范性 中文译本 非翻译 翻译过程
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2003年
下 载: 527次
引 用: 4次
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本文采用描述性翻译研究派的理论为框架,主要通过对Uncle Tom’s cabin不同时期两个中文译本及其各自社会历史文化背景的考察,分析了译者小说翻译决策和其所处社会历史背景下各种翻译及非翻译因素之间的关系。 本文一方面通过重新描绘各个译本产生的时代背景,梳理可能影响小说翻译的各种规范性条件,另一方面透过各个译文文本,总结译者采用的翻译策略,回答了为什么清末译者选择了该作品进行翻译,为什么当时的译者在倡导白话文之际采用文言文译出,为何在第一个版本出现后80余年才出现其他版本,为什么不同时代的译者对原著作了不同的处理等问题。 通过对问题的解释,说明了一定社会历史背景下的意识形态及各种规范性条件不可避免地介入翻译过程,影响到翻译选目,译者翻译策略的选择以及对译者本身的选择,进而导致译文呈现出不同的面目。
Declaration 3-4 Acknowledgement 4-5 Abstract 5-7 Contents 7-10 Chapter 1 Introduction 10-14 1.1 Uncle Tom's Cabin and its authoress in American context and in Chinese context 10-12 1.2 The layout of the research 12-14 Chapter 2 Theoretical Framework 14-30 2.1 Why target-oriented systemic approach? 14-15 2.2 Translation as a norm-governed activity 15-20 2.2.1 Translation as a norm-governed activity 15-18 2.2.2 The relationship between norms and strategies 18-20 2.3 Translation as a part of target polysystem 20-25 2.3.1 Polysystem theory 20-21 2.3.2 Why target polysystem? 21-23 2.3.3 The position of translation within the target polysystem 23-24 2.3.4 What is literary translation 24-25 2.4 Historical dynamics in literary translation 25-30 2.4.1 Ideology 25-27 2.4.2 Poetics 27-28 2.4.3 Patronage 28-30 Chapter 3 Individual translation profiles 30-36 3.1 Heinu Yu Tian Lu(A Chronicle of the Black Slave's Appeals to Heaven) 30-31 3.2 Tangmu Dabo de Xiaowu translated by Hang Jizhong 31-33 3.3 Heinu Yu Tian Lu translated by Zhang Peijun 33-34 3.4 Tangmu Shushu de Xiaowu translated by Pu Long 34-36 Chapter 4 Heinu Yu Tian Lu (A Chronicle of the Black Slave's Appeals to Heaven) 36-61 4.1 The context of translation 36-43 4.1.1 The urgency of translation in late Qing 36-38 4.1.2 The emergence of fiction as a literary genre 38-41 4.1.3 Literary translation for political use 41-43 4.2 Who were translating 43-46 4.2.1 Why did they become translators 43-44 4.2.2 General working pattern 44-45 4.2.3 Their education background 45-46 4.3 The audience in late Qing 46-48 4.4 The text and strategies resorted to 48-59 4.4.1 Descriptions and portraits 49-50 4.4.2 Non-protagonists 50-52 4.4.3 Religious material 52-56 4.4.4 Discussions on the differences between whites and blacks 56-57 4.4.5 Addition 57-59 4.5 The reception and its impact 59-61 Chapter 5 Tangmu Dabo de Xiaowu(Uncle Tom's Cabin) 61-76 5.1 The reprint and adaptation of Lin and Wei's Heinu Yu Tian Lu 61-63 5.2 What has happened since 1901? 63-69 5.2.1 The establishment of vernacular Chinese as the language of literature 63-65 5.2.2 The debate on methods of translation 65-69 5.3 The ups and downs of Huang's 1958 version 69-72 5.4 Immediate Context of 1982 Translation 72-74 5.5 Strategies resorted to in Tangmu Dabo de Xiaowu 74-76 Chapter 6 Conclusion 76-78 References 78-82
- 翻译研究的心理学视域,H059
- 图示理论在科技英语翻译中的应用,H315.9
- 英语专业本科生翻译过程中翻译策略研究:高-低分组的对比个案,H315.9
- 论体验哲学观对翻译认知能力的阐释,H059
- 关联—顺应理论视角下茅盾作品中文化负载词的翻译策略研究,H315.9
- 关联理论在公示语汉英翻译中的应用,H315.9
- 关联顺应参照下的专利摘要英译过程研究,H315.9
- 关联顺应模式下的电影字幕翻译研究,H059
- 预制语块心理表征对汉—英翻译过程中词汇提取的影响,H315.9
- 从顺应理论看《骆驼祥子》英译的顺应过程,H315.9
- 修辞格翻译的语用学探解,H059
- 翻译过程的关联—顺应研究—文化意象处理举隅,H059
- 互文翻译的语境重构,H315.9
- 从解构主义视角看林译《黑奴吁天录》中的译者主体性,H059
- 认知语用学理论在公示语汉英翻译中的应用,H315.9
- 试析德国功能翻译理论对翻译过程研究的启示,H315.9
- 汉英诗歌特点及其互译的得与失,H315.9
- The Role of the Target-Text Addressee in Translation,H059
- 从有意误译看译者的能动性,H059
- 《天路历程》中圣经意象的翻译——从图式理论和翻译目的论的角度对三个中译本的分析,I046
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