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Analyzing International Treaties: a Generic Approach

作 者: 银红武
导 师: 马以容
学 校: 浙江大学
专 业: 外国语言学及应用语言学
关键词: provision legal communicative have schema function authority understanding const meaning
分类号: D90-055
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2002年
下 载: 61次
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Higher demands have been imposed on law-related professionals in China as our great motherland is much more open to the outside world. Some generic knowledge of English legal documents is urgent and helpful when they handle their routine business. Recent years have seen the development of a number of approaches to genre analysis on the legal texts, which is still insufficient both in quantity and quality.This thesis aims to describe the discourse elements------ the move structures ininternational treaties after examining the existing descriptions of law genre.After analyzing thirty international treaty texts in authentic English, the writer finds there exists a typical six-move-structure in each international agreement. Some complementary linguistic features in the legal texts have also been discovered.All these findings in the thesis are open to suggestions and even critics for the coming insightful and deepening studies by scholars and experts.


Acknowledgements  3-4
英文摘要  4-7
Chapter Ⅰ Introduction  7-9
Chapter Ⅱ Literary Review  9-14
  2.1 Classical Rhetoric Studies  9-10
  2.2 Stylistic/Variety Analysis  10-11
  2.3 Genre Analysis(ELP)  11-12
  2.4 Forensic Linguistics  12-14
Chapter Ⅲ Theoretical Backgrounds  14-21
  3.1 Discourse Community  14-15
    3.1.1 Institutional Context  14-15
    3.1.2 Specialist Information  15
  3.2 Schemata  15-16
  3.3 Genre  16-18
    3.3.1 Definition  16-18
    3.3.2 Relationship between Discourse Community, Schemata and Genre  18
  3.4 Move Theory  18-21
Chapter Ⅳ The Present Study  21-61
  4.1 International Treaties as the Main Sources of International Law  21
  4.2 Communicative Purposes of International Treaties  21-22
  4.3 International Treaty as a Legal Language  22
  4.4 Data Collection and Move Structures Study  22-61
    4.4.2 Move 2 Declaring Opening Consent  25-32 The Simplest Opening Statement  26 Adverbial Clause Qualifications  26-28 Other Varieties of Qualifications  28-31 ADJECTIVAL CLAUSE  30-31 PRESENT PARTICIPIAL CLAUSE  31 PAST PARTICIPIAL CLAUSE  31 PROPOSITIONAL PHRASE  31 Basic Pattern of the Move  31-32
    4.4.3 Move 3 Establishing Contextual Foundations for the Legislation  32-42 Purpose Provisions  32-35 Explicit Purpose Provisions  32-33 Implicit Purpose Provisions  33-35 Principle Provisions  35-37 General Principles of International Treaty  35 Explicit Principle Provisions  35-36 Implicit Principle Provisions  36-37 Definition Provisions  37-40 Direct Approach  38-40
 ”BE” Definition Provisions  38
 ”MEAN” Definition Provisions  38-39
 ”PASSIVE VOICE” Definition Provisions  39-40 Indirect Approach  40 Sources of Law Provisions  40-42
    4.4.4 Move 4 Specifying Substantive Rights and Obligations  42-50 Modal Auxiliary  43-46 Obligatory Norm  43-44 Prohibitive Norm  44-46 Authorizing(facultative)Norm  46 Provisions in Simple Present Tense  46-50 Notion of Generality  48 Illocutionary Force  48-50
    4.4.5 Move 5 Elaborating Procedural Issues  50-58 Law-making Procedures  51-53 Adoption of the text  51 Authentication and Signature  51-52 Ratification and Exchange of instruments  52 Entry into Force and Depositary  52 Registration and Publication  52-53 Law Application and Related Procedures  53-58 Accessions and Adhesion  53-54 Procedures regarding Reservations  54-55 Treaty Modification(Amendment or Revision),Invalidity,Termination,Withdrawal from or Suspension of the Operation of a Treaty  55-56 Procedures for Judicial Settlement,arbitration and Conciliation  56-57 Non-retroactivity  57 Territorial Application  57 Successive Treaties  57-58
    4.4.6 Move 6 Attaching Optional Annex  58-61
Chapter Ⅴ Concluding Remarks  61-66
  5.1 Generalization  61-62
  5.2 Statistical analysis  62-66
Bibliography  66-69
Appendix Ⅰ  69-71
Appendix Ⅱ  71-72


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中图分类: > 政治、法律 > 法律 > 法的理论(法学) > 法学与其他学科的关系 > 法律语言学
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